First, I want to thank our prayer partners and supporters. The ministry God has directed us to, is enriched because of your willingness to be a part of it. In the personal department, Pam had her hip replaced and is doing well recuperating. The week after I returned from the reservation, she had surgery and I changed hats to become nurse, caretaker, and cook for a while. She is doing very well but the full recovery will be a bit longer. I have had dental work done and we are halfway to completing what is needed but it will be several months before we are finished. We cherish your prayers as we continue to heal, keep up with the ministry we are a part of and trust God to help make a difference in lives for the kingdom. I have been on the reservation several times in the last year with a number of people on work teams and God has blessed us with good relationship’s being built, work accomplished, and seeing firsthand God’s church going forward, making a difference in lives. God is working thru Siloam church, and the Cartwright's so please keep them in your prayers. The deck is finished now, dedicated to God’s work, and already in use. We are anxious to see what the outreach from the deck will have. This year the desert has experienced more rain than usual and with that, an issue the church has experienced, water coming in the back door, at times a lot of water. We changed two exterior doors, and I finally was able to take some time and do the excavating needed to divert the water plus clean up some of the landscape Steve wanted help with. It was also a good time to help one of the trustees remove some scrub bushes that enhanced the looks of the property and created better vision at the entrances of the property. The last trip was to also bring the heating and cooling equipment to a more efficient system. As the days had already started to heat up it was necessary to get the air in the church to a more even temperature and thank the Lord we were able to see that happen. We have been blessed to have some people willing to sacrifice their time and money to go and be a part of many upgrades to this building and build relationships with some beautiful people at Siloam church. Siloam has been in existence for over 100 years. There were some very lean years and, in those times, as little as two Native people would go to the church, have a service, just to keep it open. I suggest you keep watch to what God is doing at Siloam because the Holy Spirit is blessing, and people are following His lead. I have not named individuals because every person that is a part of this project is important, and I don’t want to miss anyone. I also want you to see the interaction with the people of the church from cooks to workers, so please look around the Beautiful Hands Ministries website to see pictures of the work teams and all of the wonderful work they've done. There should be another update later this week (the week of June the 11th.) Thank you again to all who are praying, contributing financially, and have made the trip to help work in this ministry. We couldn’t do it without you. A big thanks to Steve and Debbie for the work they invested in each project. Debbie directs the meals, housing, cultural trips just to name a few things, and Steve is a huge help in getting materials, working with us, finishing up after we are gone with any loose ends. We love you all. In His service, Tom and Pam I want to introduce to you Andrew Story, President of: SGE CADD Services Phone: (480) 479-1912 Andrew did the drawings and codes for the deck built at Siloam Church. He made himself available to answer questions about codes and any changes that needed to be made. He was very helpful and always pleasant to work with. Thank you Andrew! Tom Thanks to some of the church members of Siloam church and thank you to the work team from Hedges Chapel for the hard work on the deck at Siloam church in Laveen, Arizona. Pastor Steve Cartwright stained and sealed the deck after the team left for Ohio and that topped off the fine job this team did. The hope and prayer is an outdoor ministry under the stars on this beautiful deck. Thanks again to the team for their hard work! Hello and blessings on you. Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and taking the time to read our update.
First I want to thank God for His many blessings. He has supplied prayer warriors, which we desperately need, financial investment support, without it we could not go where He wants and do our part for the ministry, and Holy Spirit presence to fight the battles before us. We seek the Holy Spirit, trust the Holy Spirit, and do our best to follow the Holy Spirit. We count on you to help us make a difference in people’s lives for eternity! I am now trying to plan a couple trips to the reservation to work on the following items.
Steve and Debbie have been blessed with God’s moving in the church family but of course there are challenges. Please keep them in your prayer. Debbie’s father passed recently so a special prayer would be helpful for her, Steve, and the family. Thank you again for being a part of the ministry. In His service, Tom and Pam Thank you for taking the time to read our update. It has been a busy year so far and a few challenges as well. I will briefly mention a few personal items and then complete with ministry highlights.
Pam and I have had a new grandson who is nine months old and also we just received word that in July the court will award adoption to Pam’s daughter and son-in-law a little girl that they have been caring for since birth. We are very excited and thankful for these blessed additions. I had been asked to be grandpa (papaw) and I am loving it. Pam and I are also helping with Harvest Chapel in West Jefferson with Pastor Faron Tabor so when we are not on the reservation or in a service somewhere, we are busy. I have been in Arizona the later part of 2021 and now in 2022, several times. I have had some people go on small work teams and we are now wanting to begin planning for more in the coming fall and spring. We were able to get the larger, very inefficient windows changed and put in smaller, more secure, insulated sliding windows. We have been upgrading, replacing, or fixing some smaller items to get phase I finished. We are now trying to get the HVAC replaced. The church is now deciding which system we will use. We have had some donations towards the new unit but we will need to raise more. We have two exterior doors that must be replaced, insulate the attic, complete the modifications to the sound system, before we can continue to phase II. The reason we are intent on completing this work is because God is doing some exciting work at Siloam. The guitar program is going forward with people waiting to be in it. The ladies bible study is growing, the children are starting to return. Some of the former church kids have moved back and are coming. Adults of all ages are coming. The contacts Steve and Debbie are getting is awesome, and God is moving. Please pray, for souls, work teams, finances to finish, protection and strength, wisdom, and more lives to be touched. More to come. You can always go to my website, Beautiful Hands Ministries for pictures and updates. Thank you. Love you all. - The Amlin’s
Greetings! I wanted anyone interested to know that we have an updated power point presentation (below) from the start of the work at Siloam up to May 25, 2022. I hope you find it interesting.
Also, I spoke at Harvest Chapel in West Jefferson, Ohio on Sunday, May 29. The sermon title is, "Walking in the Rain with Jesus" and it's available to view below.
Make it a great day. -Tom First of all, thank you for all the prayers. They are appreciated. I am very humbled by so many responses.
I will try to make this as short as possible. There will be more coming about the work accomplished at Siloam. We had a good week disrupted with the funeral of a dear friend and lady of the church who is enjoying what those who know Christ will see, and she definitely did know Him. Concerning the reports of my illness in AZ, we are still here and hope to come home Friday. I want to give an update. I was battling a physical issue before I left that I have had since I was a teen. I was doing well and nearly over it when something happened Sunday afternoon. On Monday, I said I need to go to Urgent Care or the ER. In today's world, I thought Urgent Care would work quicker. They said I had pneumonia which didn’t surprise me because I have had it before, and there were symptoms I recognized. The next day, my O2 was still in the 80’s, which is low, so off to ER we went. We are in Prescott with family planning to do some vacationing before heading back to Ohio. Well, that’s not working. While sitting in the waiting room I was talking to God and I said to Him, “God you have touched me before and with all these people praying for me. If you want to, You can do it again, but if not, that’s OK." And folks I’m glad we can come to a place we mean that. They ran more tests than I had in HS. Pretty soon, they came and took us away and said, wait for it, wait for it..."You don’t have pneumonia, but you have the flu." The regular flu. IMAGINE THAT! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! We left to get meds for the flu and meds to help clear my lungs. I am on 2 liters of oxygen. Today I am, at last count, 93 percent at time off my O2. Yea God! Last night, I slept on my right side for at least 2 hours. Guess where the pneumonia was found? Yep, right side. I slept on my back for several hours. I don’t sleep on my back because it made me cough. God touched me is what I get from this. Now about the flu. I got to thinking about this. The first test I had for the flu was on Monday, and that test come back negative for A & B. OK, I will wrap it up for now, but I want to tell you about one coughing situation. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it through it because it was so bad, and this was before all the tests. There is more for another time, but for now, I know God's in control. You might ask what I was thinking when I wasn’t sure the next breath was coming? The same thing I live by every day. God is in control. The latest news is that Satan is now trying to work on Pam physically. Be encouraged and please keep Pam and I in your prayers. Again I thank you all and thanks be to God for you. We love you all. In His service, Tom Greetings and Merry Christmas to you all from Beautiful Hands Ministries. My prayer and hope is that this year we get closer and more personal with the reason for the season.
Greetings from our house to yours. We have heard it said, and most of us have said it, it has been a different year. No matter your occupation, your age, or anything else that defines you, it has been over a year of wondering what is next. I assure you, nothing has caught the Father by surprise, or wondering what to do next. I know He is in control. We still have some work to do on the project at Siloam before we enter into phase II. We decided before we start the addition, we should upgrade and repair anything on the existing church building that needed it so we don’t have to go back later to complete those items. The present church building needs to have new windows, two egress security doors, and electric conduit from the back of the building to front of the building placed in the attic. We also need to check all the old wiring in the attic, and then blow insulation into the attic for better temperature control. We are now discovering the shingles may need replaced as well. The windows that are there will be removed and we will frame in a smaller horizontal style window for light, fresh air, and more security. The conduit will give a place to pull in wiring in the future, if needed so we can proceed to add insulation sooner than later. Siloam Indian Church has been there over a hundred years and during that time they have gained respect for their participation in the community while sharing the truth and love of Christ. Steve and Debbie Cartwright have pastored there for many years and have become a part of the community offering their gifts and talents to help the Pima people. One example, Steve started a guitar ministry a few years ago that has now reached into other communities and churches because of some of his students taking what he taught them to their church. They have now moved into a double-wide on the church property (pictured above and below) so they can offer more to the community, and to the church. They will not have to drive an hour one way to the church four times a week to do ministry. Siloam has always been a special place and since the ministry, and the church have been there for over one hundred years, we don’t think God is finished with it yet. I have been blessed with supporters that have continued through the Covid situation, and we have banked your investment, sending Steve and Debbie money to help some of the people have food to eat, helped purchase a projector they needed for service, and trying to prepare for the day the restrictions are lifted. The restrictions are beginning to loosen and we can now begin again to help make a difference in reaching people for Christ. On July 23rd, I will go to Arizona to work with Steve to begin to put action to our many months of talks to start the project again. I may take one day and do some site work excavation around the church and their new double wide. We will also be working with a team from Capital City Church arriving July 29th going to our Tucson churches as well as the Siloam Indian Church. They will be helping with children’s ministries, bringing a puppet team helping to encourage the Arizona Project and Siloam Indian Church. I will be reviewing our church buildings in Tucson to see if we need some structural work done on them. Please keep all of us and our families in prayer. Pam will not be able to go with me this time and they, as well as I, wish that wasn’t so. I have a lot to do in a short time and I also believe the timing of this ministry team is of God so I am anxious to see what God has planned. I hope this next week to get back to updating the web site,, as well. Please check it out. Thank you again for your prayers and support, In His service, Pam and Tom Greetings to each of you. The first item is I am calling for anyone who believes in prayer to keep or put us on your list. I will be saying more at another time or you may detect what we need as we begin doing more online. The Lord is doing some exciting things at Siloam, and I want to give you a taste.
Relationships are hard to explain but to watch what happens between people when they come on one of the teams is so exciting. Some people talk about when two worlds collide only when it is a bad thing, but when true friendships are built from the same experience, it is a God thing. Until the next time, we covet and thank you for your prayers, financial support, trust, and friendship. Tom P.S. Steve and Debbie Cartwright have more exciting news to share about Siloam below. March 2020 Cartwright Chronicle: OpportunityThe word of the year 2020 so far is OPPORTUNITY-we can sense that God is doing something BIG. Why? Because of exciting possibilities and seemingly impossible odds - the perfect situation for God's glory to be seen!
In recent discussions about us hoping to rent a home nearer to the reservation, the church members said they would prefer us to live at the church property and voted to make the invitation official. This would provide extra security during the church remodeling project as well as open up a number of ministry possibilities for the church (men's and women's small groups, music ministries, community health initiatives and counseling/grief ministries, to name a few). We've made contact with the District 6 representative to tribal council and he has been very supportive of the idea. And financially, actually buying a mobile home would pay for itself in 4-5 years, considering the costs of rentals in the area and the fact that we are looking for longer-term. That's where a miracle becomes a necessity. The American Indian Field has a project account called "AIF Housing replacement or purchase" (310-31718), but no funds in that account right now. Estimates of the cost range from $50,000 to $80,000. WILL YOU PRAY as we seek God's miraculous provision for us?
Over the past year, we've had a number of supporters who have discontinued giving for various reasons. Additionally, increases in medical insurance premiums, housing costs and utilities make the monthly support needs even higher. We've calculated that another $1000 in monthly support would meet all monthly expenses. We're asking God to provide 20 people who would pledge new monthly support of $50 per month (or increase their current support by that much.) It sounds big to us, but we know it's easy for God. He knows who He wants to partner with us to make another 16 months on the field possible. We ask that you pray with us for this need-which is truly an opportunity to see God's glory revealed in marvelous ways. Write or call us if you want to help. You can also donate or pledge online at Also pray for a short (3 week) trip to Ohio and Indiana this April/May. Steve will be visiting supporters and sharing in some churches from April 22 to May 10; Debbie will join him during that last week, shortly after completing her fiscal year-end procedures as treasurer. Here is the schedule as it stands right now (come see us if you're in the area):
Prayer requests
Thank you for your prayers, Steve and Debbie Cartwright |
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June 2023