Thank you for taking the time to read our update. It has been a busy year so far and a few challenges as well. I will briefly mention a few personal items and then complete with ministry highlights.
Pam and I have had a new grandson who is nine months old and also we just received word that in July the court will award adoption to Pam’s daughter and son-in-law a little girl that they have been caring for since birth. We are very excited and thankful for these blessed additions. I had been asked to be grandpa (papaw) and I am loving it. Pam and I are also helping with Harvest Chapel in West Jefferson with Pastor Faron Tabor so when we are not on the reservation or in a service somewhere, we are busy. I have been in Arizona the later part of 2021 and now in 2022, several times. I have had some people go on small work teams and we are now wanting to begin planning for more in the coming fall and spring. We were able to get the larger, very inefficient windows changed and put in smaller, more secure, insulated sliding windows. We have been upgrading, replacing, or fixing some smaller items to get phase I finished. We are now trying to get the HVAC replaced. The church is now deciding which system we will use. We have had some donations towards the new unit but we will need to raise more. We have two exterior doors that must be replaced, insulate the attic, complete the modifications to the sound system, before we can continue to phase II. The reason we are intent on completing this work is because God is doing some exciting work at Siloam. The guitar program is going forward with people waiting to be in it. The ladies bible study is growing, the children are starting to return. Some of the former church kids have moved back and are coming. Adults of all ages are coming. The contacts Steve and Debbie are getting is awesome, and God is moving. Please pray, for souls, work teams, finances to finish, protection and strength, wisdom, and more lives to be touched. More to come. You can always go to my website, Beautiful Hands Ministries for pictures and updates. Thank you. Love you all. - The Amlin’s |
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June 2023